Sunday 12 May 2019

HIP Activities : Teacher's Help

Hi, so HIP is becoming familiar for all English Language Teachers. Without any delay, Miss I would like to highlight few activities that might be useful.

1. English Journal.

Pupil keep a journal to write vocabs or anything that they have read in English. More like Nilam.

2. English Corner.

Oh come on, you already have one. Just paste pupils' work in English and paste it behind the classroom.

3. Speaker's Corner

Our minister likes this! Conduct the assembly in English, give some topic and expect the pupils to present in the English during assembly. Video tape few. Evidence is important.

4. Games Corner

Why not you set up or paint your annex with games like grammar snake and ladder or other board games with English attached. Your kids will find it useful during their free time.

5. Quiz a Week

Just paste one topic or text on the bulletin board. On Friday, come out with quiz questions based on the text. Charge them RM0.10 to buy the question form so that they will take it seriously. Reward the winner using the money. A person with most accurate answer is the winner.

6. Karaoke moment

Play English song every recess and if you have good PA system, why not let your kids sing.

7. English Room

Create a self access room. Put up English materials and label it according to the learning ability. For example, red for beginner pupils so the weak pupils will access to it. You also can put cds on fine English movies and songs. The kids will enjoy it. Plus, put up parking lots so pupils state what they learnt and what they want. You have to be excellent for this.

8. Exchange Letter

Okay, go and meet you neighbour school's teacher. Set few students to exchange letters with the nearby school. They can send letter and become friends. This will help for outreach programme.

Good luck and if you have better suggestion. Leave a comment, maybe we will dedicate a post to appreciate your effort.

What is HIP?

PRE-ANSWER: Don't ask me silly questions!

ANSWER: Highly Immersive Programme. A program that enhance English Language in Malaysian schools. Done!

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