Friday 30 October 2020

The Worst Witch Review : Netflix (MOVIEW)

Corona made the theatres to shut thus very less content for Moview. So, let's move on to Netflix. Okay, this original Netflix series is quite trending in Netflix.

Should we watch it?


Definitely copycat of Harry Potter. Most Netflix series are copycat of top movies or series. Somehow the palace, witch school, resemblance of Hardbroom as Severus,  the group division, scarf and etc. are more into Harry Potter stuff. Nothing wrong because Harry Potter made us realize what is magic all about.


Majority characters are female. I can't even see a single male. It's fine but its awkward.


Quite genuine. Interesting but it's more to teenage and kids stuff. Adults, if you can cope with it, its fine but I assume you might get bored soon as there is no much thrilling scenes.


Most episodes are centered around the school which is boring and less challenging.


The early magic fight between the headmistress and her sister is quite interesting but it doesn't last longer. We expect more.


This series deserve 5/10 Moview star. Will be more interesting if it fits for adults.

Sunday 25 October 2020

Kedai Makan Korea di Kelantan : Travel Buddy

 Ramai yang minat cerita KPOP dan sering tertanya-tanya macam mana  nak rasa makanan Korea yang sedap dan halal di Malaysia. Dalam K Drama, mesti dia akan promote makanan negara dia kan!

Tak perlu mencari-cari lagi kerana terdapat makanan yang sedap di Itaewon Stall di Pantai Timur Mall. Bersebelahan parking, masuk je pintu dari parking, memang akan jumpa di sebelah kiri anda.

Makanan Korea dari kedai ini memang sedap dan tampil lebih original la. Dengar khabar memang bahan-bahan makanan dari sini diimport daripada Korea. Sedap sehingga Miss I team try macam-macam menu. Layanan pun A class! Tengok Gambar!

Di sini, Miss I sertakan website atau fb kedai tersebut. Boleh la singgah kalau ke Kota Bahru