Friday, 25 December 2020

Is Netflix a good choice?

Netflix might have place in certain peoples' heart and of course has its own strength and weaknesses. Today, Miss I only want to highlight why it is not a good choice...


Most Netflix serials or movies are outdated and not the recent one. For example, World of Married has been in air for some time but its only appeared on Netflix after everyone has watched it. 


Leftover here means only unpopular movies are in Netflix. Example, Spongebob and B grade Tamil Movies are on Netflix. You will never watch top gun such as Harry Potter and etc. Even recently Home Alone has taken away from Netflix.


Interestingly, Netflix does attack religion indirectly to promote secularism. For example, Netflix original series Bullbul has no sensitive against religion. Despite having majority viewers from India, Netflix is insensitive against Hindu religion and portrayed  the religion in a negative way  continuously. India eargerly seek to ban certain films of Netflix because of irresponsible Netflix. Even Pavai Kathaigal touches issues on Homophobia which is good but at the end, they do not understand culture or civilization as they portray lesbian kissing.


Certain films such as 365 days is totally a porn without proper story line. Interestingly, Netflix is so proud to make it in the top 10 list and make money out of it. Many films are there which might cause harm to kids if there is no proper guidance of the parents.


Even though Netflix has success story such as Crash Landing on You, we cannot deny most Netflix Original Series are failure and most of it is copycats of top movies. Example, Over the Moon copying Disney style but with totally bullshit stories. Others are A Korean Odyssey, Nailed it, Worst Witch, Sponge on the Run and etc.

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Mookuti Amman Trending Tamil Movie 2020 : MOVIEW

 Mookuti Amman is yet to be released but already become a trend in Instagram and Twitter. The movie is estimated to be released on 14th November 2020 on Disney Hotstar. During this pandemic, a change is needed so other than theatre, the director should find a new platform to release a movie.

The song Aadhi Kuththu reached 2 million views in Youtube within 5 days. Even though the song is not catchy, Nayanthara appearance in the movie is outstanding just like Goddess Mariamman appeared in real. She is suitable to be called as goddess. After Ramya Krishna, Nayanthara might be the best actress for playing Goddess role. The song video is colourful and we wanted to watch again for the view.

RJ Balaji's movie is always a hit, therefore this one predicted to be  hit list as well. Devotional with comedy might be a sensitive mixture but if it is done well, it can be saved. Looking at the trailer, the movie seems to be interesting and a bit politic criticization. So, enjoy watching it in Hotstar.

Friday, 30 October 2020

The Worst Witch Review : Netflix (MOVIEW)

Corona made the theatres to shut thus very less content for Moview. So, let's move on to Netflix. Okay, this original Netflix series is quite trending in Netflix.

Should we watch it?


Definitely copycat of Harry Potter. Most Netflix series are copycat of top movies or series. Somehow the palace, witch school, resemblance of Hardbroom as Severus,  the group division, scarf and etc. are more into Harry Potter stuff. Nothing wrong because Harry Potter made us realize what is magic all about.


Majority characters are female. I can't even see a single male. It's fine but its awkward.


Quite genuine. Interesting but it's more to teenage and kids stuff. Adults, if you can cope with it, its fine but I assume you might get bored soon as there is no much thrilling scenes.


Most episodes are centered around the school which is boring and less challenging.


The early magic fight between the headmistress and her sister is quite interesting but it doesn't last longer. We expect more.


This series deserve 5/10 Moview star. Will be more interesting if it fits for adults.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Kedai Makan Korea di Kelantan : Travel Buddy

 Ramai yang minat cerita KPOP dan sering tertanya-tanya macam mana  nak rasa makanan Korea yang sedap dan halal di Malaysia. Dalam K Drama, mesti dia akan promote makanan negara dia kan!

Tak perlu mencari-cari lagi kerana terdapat makanan yang sedap di Itaewon Stall di Pantai Timur Mall. Bersebelahan parking, masuk je pintu dari parking, memang akan jumpa di sebelah kiri anda.

Makanan Korea dari kedai ini memang sedap dan tampil lebih original la. Dengar khabar memang bahan-bahan makanan dari sini diimport daripada Korea. Sedap sehingga Miss I team try macam-macam menu. Layanan pun A class! Tengok Gambar!

Di sini, Miss I sertakan website atau fb kedai tersebut. Boleh la singgah kalau ke Kota Bahru

Sunday, 24 May 2020

'Hero' Cerita Tamil, mesti tonton! : Moview

Okay, sejak kebelakangan ini, Orang Melayu lebih minat kepada cerita Tamil atau Kollywood berbanding Bollywood. Antara cerita Tamil yang best ialah Ratchasi, Ratchasan, 7AM Arivu, Enthiran dan sebagainya. Miss I akan cadang lagi satu filem iaitu Hero.

Hero diterbitkan pada tahun 2019 dan  baru sahaja ditayang di Astro Sun TV channel 211, Cerita ini lebih kepada mencari murid-murid berbakat terutama dalam aspek inovasi. Inovasi- inovasi mereka dihalang oleh syarikat korporat kerana risau perniagaan mereka akan diancam oleh inovasi baru.

Hero akan menyelamatkan kanak-kanak itu daripada ancaman penjahat dan yang penting filem ini mengirtik sistem pendidikan yang menilai semua murid menggunakan peperiksaan yang sama. Pada masa yang sama, mendedahkan betapa gagalnya India untuk melahirkan seorang generasi yang berguna.

Latar belakang filem ini juga menarik dan ala-ala Hollywood. Contohnya, tempat operasi Hero ialah green house. Hero dia pun agak top iaitu Sivakartikeyan.

Cerita ini tidaklah seperti cerita Tamil yang lain yang sibuk dengan agenda cinta, gaduh, stalking, menari-nari tunjuk perut dan sebagainya. Cerita ini ada strong mesej dan memang bestlah. Wajib tengok! 8.2/10 Moview Star for this movie!

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

DR. M akan ingkar Titah YDP Agong! : Quick Scan

Tun Dr. Mohammad ialah seorang yang dihormati kerana sumbangan beliau sebagai PM ke 4 tetapi rakyat kesal dengan tindakan beliau yang telah mebuatkan Negara menjadi kucar-kacir. Mungkin pemerintahan beliau sebagai PM ke 4 dapat melindungi kesalahan-kesalahan beliau kerana kawalan media yang terlalu ketat dan media tidaklah semaju sekarang.

Dr.M tidak lagi boleh menipu rakyat dan terbukti sudah bahawa beliau hanya menginginkan kestabilan politik anaknya, Mukhriz Mahathir dan selamatkan kroni-kroni beliau.

Pada 18 Mei yang lalu, YDP Agong telah bertitah bahawa Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin ialah PM KE 8 yang sah dan meminta jangan bangkitkan isu berkaitannya lagi. YDP Agong juga menyatakan DR.M beria-ria meletak jawatan sebagai PM KE 7 walaupun telah dinasihati untuk tidak membuat demikian. Agendanya hanya untuk mengangkat Mukhriz sebagai PM dan ketepikan Anwar Ibrahim.

Apabila perkara tidak berlaku seperti yang dirancang, Dr. M ingin meneruskan undi tidak percaya terhadap PM ke 8. Kononnya, Negara Demokrasi. Sudah lupakah Dr.M? cara anda mengawal media dan memecah belahkan kaum atas nama kuota di Negara demokrasi ini.

Rakyat tak pernah pilih Pakatan Harapan tanpa PKR. Jadi dua-dua parti tidak pernah diisthyiarkan oleh rakyat. Rakyat lebih percaya kepada PM 8 kerana beliau bersama kami ketika susah. Cukup-cukup dikencing oleh PH, Dr.M sila pencen sekarang. PRU akan datang akan tentukan kerajaan kami. Shut up and step off.

Friday, 27 March 2020

Simple Chicken Sambal Recipe / Resipi Sambal Ayam : Learn I

Simple Chicken Sambal within 20 minutes...Try this while you are still in self-quarantine

Sambal ayam simple.


1. 2 large onions.
    2 bawang besar

2. Chili powder
    Serbuk Cili

3. Slice of ginger
    Seulas halia

4. 5 clove of garlic
    5 bawang putih

5. One Tomato
    Sebiji tomato

6. A glass of water
    Segelas air

7. Oil

8. Salt and sugar
    Garam dan Gula

9. Chicken pieces
    Kepingan ayam


1. Fry the chicken until it turns brownish. Don't over fry it yet. Put it aside.
    Goreng ayam. Jadikan separuh masak.

2. Blend onions, ginger, garlic together or you can mash all together
    Kisar / tumbuk bawang putih, halia dan bawang merah.

3. Heat the pan and add on oil.
    Panaskan kuali dan tambah minyak

4. Add blended items and stir it until it turns brown
    Masukkan bahan yang dikisar dan gaul sehingga menjadi kekuningan sedikit.

5. Add pieces of tomato
    Masukkan tomato yang telah dipotong.

6. Add Chili powder
    Masukkan serbuk cili.

7. Stir and add on water
    Gaul sementara dan kemudian tambah air.

8. Add salt and sugar
    Masukkan gula dan garam secukup rasa

9. Add on the chicken
   Masukkan ayam.

10. Boil it for 10 minutes. Done!
    Masak untuk 10 minit. Dah Siap.

11. Serve it hot!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Tips to avoid COVID 19 / Corona Virus

Okay so now you understand what will happen if go against the Mother Nature. Few Chinese ate according to their lust without thinking about wildlifes such as bat, snake, monkeys and etc. Finally gave birth to COVID 19. Congratulations! Humans are always stupid and troublesome.

What have done is done, now let's go to solution. If we refer back to most Indian practices or Hinduism might give solution to severe virus attack. Let's look at it! Vedic practice always save the world!

1. Turmeric.

Turmeric is well known as anti bacterial agent. Add a spoon of turmeric in all the food before you eat it to boost your immune system. Almost all prayers of Hindus and their food contains turmeric. Don't be shocked when you see Indians apply turmeric on almost all the meat before cook it.

2. Neem Leaves

Have you watched Indian movie before, there is a Goddess known as Mariamman a powerful goodess when it comes to infectious disease. She loves Neem very much. Actually Neem Tree contains high oxygen level at the same time ability to prevent bacteria/viruses and purify the air. So hang the leaves around your house or plant a Neem Tree now. Let's do it in an Indian way.

3. Ginger

Ginger can boost your anti body ability. Ginger tea will be delicious during this weather.

4. Rasam

Rasam contains amarind, tomato, black pepper and many other Indian spices. All this spices rich in fibre and vitamin C. Perfect anti body food!

5. Go Vegetarian

Vegetarian is the oldest practice of Hinduism. Come on let's be vegetarian for COVID 19 at least. Green vegetables will be prefect to make your immune system stronger. 

6. Vanakam / Namaste

Okay, it's getting famous. Even the British Royal is practicing it nowadays. This practice its not new, it was done for thousand years back. Part of Hindu practices to prevent bacteria but the world prefers western style; shaking hands. Not only Corona but many other bacteria were spread by shaking hands. We tend to trust barbarians and fashion more. This ancient practice has been continued in  places that has been ruled once by Hindu Empires such as Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines and even Malay Sultanate has the impact so stop shaking hands.

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Tugas Guru Aset / Pegawai Aset (Teacher's Help)

Banyak pegawai atau guru tidak mengetahui tugas hakiki guru aset kerana ianya dijalankan oleh PT sekolah. Tapi kenalah ambil tahu. Jom Miss I terangkan:

1. Pegawai Aset di PPD tidak lagi dipegang oleh Pegawai Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (PPP) malah      dipikul oleh Penolong Pegawai Tadbir N39.

2. Mulai tahun 2019, semua benda yang berada di kawasan sekolah haruslah didaftarkan walaupun ia disimpan oleh guru tersebut.

i- aset alih barangan- meja, kerusi dll
ii- haiwan- kucing, ular dll.
iii- ikan
iv- aset x ketara- logo, lambang, lagu, inovatif sendiri dll.

3. Pelaporan bukanlah pada masa semasa tetapi harus dilakukan sehingga tempoh terkini. Contoh salah dilaporkan jumlah meja 2 kerana membeli 2 meja pada tahun 2020. Sepatutnya dilaporkan jumlah meja yang sedia ada tambah dengan 2 yang baru dibeli.

4. Harga perolehan dan pelupusan mestilah sama.

5. Setiap borang mesti mempunyai tandatangan tuan Guru Besar.

6. 4 jawatan akan dipegang oleh guru sekolah dan bukanlah lantikan dalaman. Harus berdaftar dengan KPM.

7. 4 Laporan Suku Tahunan mesti mempunyai panggilan mesyuarat, minit mesy dan laporan.

8. Setiap file mesti mempunyai AJK seperti berikut:

Pengerusi- Tuan GB
Pegawai Penerima
Pegawai Pemeriksa Aset
Lembaga Aset- Pelupusan
AJK Penyiasat
Pegawai Stor

Sekian, harap membantu. Ringkas2 dahlah yang lain tanya PT sekolah atau pergi kursus di PPD. kikiki