Friday, 27 March 2020

Simple Chicken Sambal Recipe / Resipi Sambal Ayam : Learn I

Simple Chicken Sambal within 20 minutes...Try this while you are still in self-quarantine

Sambal ayam simple.


1. 2 large onions.
    2 bawang besar

2. Chili powder
    Serbuk Cili

3. Slice of ginger
    Seulas halia

4. 5 clove of garlic
    5 bawang putih

5. One Tomato
    Sebiji tomato

6. A glass of water
    Segelas air

7. Oil

8. Salt and sugar
    Garam dan Gula

9. Chicken pieces
    Kepingan ayam


1. Fry the chicken until it turns brownish. Don't over fry it yet. Put it aside.
    Goreng ayam. Jadikan separuh masak.

2. Blend onions, ginger, garlic together or you can mash all together
    Kisar / tumbuk bawang putih, halia dan bawang merah.

3. Heat the pan and add on oil.
    Panaskan kuali dan tambah minyak

4. Add blended items and stir it until it turns brown
    Masukkan bahan yang dikisar dan gaul sehingga menjadi kekuningan sedikit.

5. Add pieces of tomato
    Masukkan tomato yang telah dipotong.

6. Add Chili powder
    Masukkan serbuk cili.

7. Stir and add on water
    Gaul sementara dan kemudian tambah air.

8. Add salt and sugar
    Masukkan gula dan garam secukup rasa

9. Add on the chicken
   Masukkan ayam.

10. Boil it for 10 minutes. Done!
    Masak untuk 10 minit. Dah Siap.

11. Serve it hot!

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Tips to avoid COVID 19 / Corona Virus

Okay so now you understand what will happen if go against the Mother Nature. Few Chinese ate according to their lust without thinking about wildlifes such as bat, snake, monkeys and etc. Finally gave birth to COVID 19. Congratulations! Humans are always stupid and troublesome.

What have done is done, now let's go to solution. If we refer back to most Indian practices or Hinduism might give solution to severe virus attack. Let's look at it! Vedic practice always save the world!

1. Turmeric.

Turmeric is well known as anti bacterial agent. Add a spoon of turmeric in all the food before you eat it to boost your immune system. Almost all prayers of Hindus and their food contains turmeric. Don't be shocked when you see Indians apply turmeric on almost all the meat before cook it.

2. Neem Leaves

Have you watched Indian movie before, there is a Goddess known as Mariamman a powerful goodess when it comes to infectious disease. She loves Neem very much. Actually Neem Tree contains high oxygen level at the same time ability to prevent bacteria/viruses and purify the air. So hang the leaves around your house or plant a Neem Tree now. Let's do it in an Indian way.

3. Ginger

Ginger can boost your anti body ability. Ginger tea will be delicious during this weather.

4. Rasam

Rasam contains amarind, tomato, black pepper and many other Indian spices. All this spices rich in fibre and vitamin C. Perfect anti body food!

5. Go Vegetarian

Vegetarian is the oldest practice of Hinduism. Come on let's be vegetarian for COVID 19 at least. Green vegetables will be prefect to make your immune system stronger. 

6. Vanakam / Namaste

Okay, it's getting famous. Even the British Royal is practicing it nowadays. This practice its not new, it was done for thousand years back. Part of Hindu practices to prevent bacteria but the world prefers western style; shaking hands. Not only Corona but many other bacteria were spread by shaking hands. We tend to trust barbarians and fashion more. This ancient practice has been continued in  places that has been ruled once by Hindu Empires such as Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines and even Malay Sultanate has the impact so stop shaking hands.