Sunday 21 April 2024

12th Fail Review : NETFLIX : MOVIEW

 "12th Fail" is a Hindi film that revolves around the struggles and aspirations of the common man, particularly focusing on the challenges faced by Manoj Sharma who fail his 12th-grade exams. The movie delves into the societal pressure and stigma associated with academic failure, shedding light on the journey of redemption and self-discovery undertaken by the protagonist.

The storyline captures the essence of the common man's plight, depicting the harsh realities of a competitive education system and the immense pressure to succeed. Through the protagonist's narrative, the film highlights the importance of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of one's dreams despite setbacks and failures.

In its portrayal of the common man theme, "12th Fail" resonates with audiences by presenting relatable characters and situations. It addresses pertinent issues such as family expectations, peer pressure, and societal judgments, offering a poignant commentary on the struggles faced by individuals from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.

Moreover, the movie explores the transformative power of education beyond conventional academic success, emphasizing the value of self-belief, hard work, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and achieving personal growth.

Overall, "12th Fail" effectively integrates the common man theme into its narrative, delivering a compelling storyline that not only entertains but also inspires viewers to empathize with the challenges faced by individuals striving to carve their own path in life. Must Watch! Check Netflix!

Wednesday 8 November 2023

Cara untuk Menghasilkan Skrip / Teks Pertandingan Ko-Akademik Bahasa Melayu/Inggeris dengan AI (Teacher's Help)

Ko-Akademik atau Pertandingan Bahasa bukan lagi asing bagi guru-guru di Malaysia. Pelbagai skrip perlu disediakan supaya murid menang dalam pertandingan.

Public Speaking, Syarahan, Choral Speaking, Story-Telling dan banyak lagi pertandingan yang memerlukan skrip yang berkualiti. Tahukah anda, Ai boleh menghasilkan skrip berkualiti untuk anda sekiranya anda pandai mengarahkannya.

Salah satu Ai yang terbaik ialah ChatGPT. Anda hanya perlu google ChatGPT dan sign up. Kemudian boleh gunakannya dengan PERCUMA!

Yang penting arahan mesti jelas. Di sini Miss I sertakan apa yang perlu dinyatakan dalam arahan.

1.  Skrip apa : Public Speaking, Story-Telling and sbg.

2. Tema: Alam Sekitar/ Kemanusiaan

3. Tahap budak: Sekolah rendah atau menengah

4. Jumlah patah perkataan atau masa persembahan

5. Konteks: Dalam Malaysia, luar negara dan sbg.

Pastikan semua ini ada baru skrip anda mantap! Dalam Bahasa Melayu pun boleh. Jangan risau pasal plagarism kerana ChatGPT akan menghasilkan skrip unik untuk anda sahaja. Kemudian ubahlah sedikit mengikut kesesuaian anda.

Ingat Ai tidak boleh gantikan anda tetapi orang yang pandai menggunakan Ai boleh gantikan anda. Jadi jangan tunggu-tunggu, belajar sesuatu yang baru dan explore dengan sendiri. Good Luck!

Di bawah ialah contoh skrip Choral Speaking yang digenerate oleh AI. Nice kan.